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sepCV: Sample processing and separations controlled vocabulary


The sepCV is a controlled vocabulary for teminology associated with sample preparation and sample processing for proteomics. The sepCV was originally designed to provide terminology for the MIAPE GE reporting guidelines and the gelML data transfer format. It has now been expanded to include terminology for gel image informatics to support the MIAPE GI reporting guidelines and the GelInfoML data transfer format. In addition it includes relevant terminology for general sample processing to support the data transfer format of spML.

The sepCV is beign jointly developed by the Proteomics Standards Intiative (PSI) and the Metabolomics Standards Intitative (MSI).


The sepCV is registered in the OBO Library and can be downloaded from the PSI GitHub repository


In the spirit of the HUPO Proteomics Standards Initiative, this controlled vocabulary is not exclusive and all interested parties are encouraged to contribute by submitting term requests our mailing list.

For general discussions about sepCV, please email the current mailing list (mail to which you can subscribe.


Documentation describing sepCV is currently being developed.

The sepCV was developed according the the PSI CV design principles