Fri, 04/28/2017 – 12:00

Please see the preliminary agenda, all suggestions welcome! Topics include
- New: For the first time, we’ll have a poster session. Please see “Practical Information”.
- Quality control: qcML
- Proteogenomics formats
- proXI: proteomics eXpression Interface
- Privacy and Proteomics Data
- Completing the human interactome
- Evaluation of network analysis tools
- IMEx – how can you contribute?
Practical information
Please see the practical information, in particular visa aspects!
Registration deadline is April 1, 2017. However, if you need a visa, we need your
complete registration by February 15, 2017!
Registration for the HUPO-PSI Spring meeting 2017 is now closed.
HUPO-PSI Spring meeting 2017 is supported by China Partnering Award BB/N022432/1 of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), UK, and by “Proteomics Big Data and Standard System” project (2014DFB30030) funded by China International Science and Technology Cooperation, The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), China. It is co-organized by HUPO-PSI and the National Center for Protein Sciences – Beijing, China.